The pension funds and assets in the Retirement Savings Account (RSA) are kept by the PFC and as such the liquidation of the PFA will not affect the funds and […]
The Pension Reform Act 2004 allows any employee to complain about any PFA to the National Pension Commission.
The Federal Government has established the National Pension Commission and charged it with the responsibility of regulating and supervising new pension scheme.
The Government cannot tamper with the pension funds in your RSA, because the Government cannot have access to the account. Besides, the Government is primarily concerned with ensuring the safety […]
It is the duty of the PFAs to administer the contributions and invest in such a way that will ensure safe and reasonable returns on investment. The reserve fund created […]
Under the Pension Reform Act 2004 a person can voluntarily retire or be compulsorily retired before the age of 50 years on the ground of medical advice, permanent disability or […]
The minimum pension guarantee shall be determined from time to time by the National Pension Commission.
There is adequate representation of relevant stakeholders in the Board of the National Pension Commission, which comprises of representatives of the Government, Nigeria Labour Congress, the Nigerian Union of Pensioners […]
Yes. The new pension scheme entrenches the principles of transparency and accountability as reflected in the reporting requirement of the PFAs and PFCs to both the contributor and the National […]
All those managing or keeping custody of pension funds and assets will be licensed and continually regulated and supervised by the National Pension Commission.
The functions of the Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) and Custodian are clearly spelt out in the Pension Reform Act 2004. The Act provides adequate safeguards against the misuse of the […]